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v3 of the Export API introduces a gRPC API. One of the major upsides of using the gRPC protocol is a stream of progress updates and finally streaming the file back to the client.

Client Package

The @fyko/export-api package includes a typed JavaScript client and will be referenced in Examples.

Protobuf Definition

Server Reflection

The gRPC service has server reflection, allowing you to test the API in Postman.

service Exporter {
rpc CreateExport (CreateExportRequest) returns (stream CreateExportResponse);

enum ExportFormat {
PlainText = 0;
HtmlDark = 1;
HtmlLight = 2;
CSV = 3;
JSON = 4;

message CreateExportRequest {
string token = 1;
string channel_id = 2;
ExportFormat export_format = 3;
string date_format = 4;
string after = 5;
string before = 6;

message CreateExportResponse {
oneof ResponseType {
double progress = 1;
ExportComplete data = 2;

message ExportComplete {
int32 message_count = 1;
bytes data = 2;


rpc CreateExport (CreateExportRequest) returns (stream CreateExportResponse);

Export Formats Enum

TypeIDDescriptionFile Extension
PlainText0Export to a plaintext filetxt
HtmlDark1Export to an HTML file in dark modehtml
HtmlLight2Export to an HTML file in light modehtml
CSV3Export to a comma separated values filecsv
JSON4Export to a JSON filejson


tokenstringThe bot token for performing requests
channel_idstringThe id of the channel to export
export_format?ExportFormatThe format to export the channel as, defaults to PlainText
date_format?stringThe date format for dates in exported files, defaults to dd-MMM-yy hh:mm tt
after?stringOnly include messages sent after this date
before?stringOnly include messages sent before this date


progressint64A decimal representing the progress of the export
data?ExportCompleteThe file data once progress equals 1


message_countintThe number of messages exported
databyte[]The exported file in 32kb chunks



This example uses the new createExport, createExportedClient, and promisifyExportResult functions released in @fyko/export-api@0.3.

import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";
import { createExport, createExporterClient, promisifyExportResult } from "@fyko/export-api/client";
import {
} from "@fyko/export-api/types";

const stream = createExport(client, {
channelId: process.env.DISCORD_CHANNEL!,
token: process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN!,
exportFormat: ExportFormat.HTMLDARK,

stream.on("progress", (progress) => console.log(`progress: ${progress}`));

const [count, file] = await promisifyExportResult(stream);

console.log(`export created with ${count} messages (${file.byteLength} bytes)`);
await writeFile("./foo.html", file);


import { credentials } from "@grpc/grpc-js";
import { ExporterClient } from "@fyko/export-api/client";
import {
} from "@fyko/export-api/types";
import { writeFile } from "fs/promises";

// creates a new gRPC client
const client = new ExporterClient(

void (async () => {
// new CreateExport Request
const request = new CreateExportRequest();
// set required options
// set optional options

return new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
// "POST" the request
const stream = client.createExport(request);

const chunks: (string | Uint8Array)[] = [];
let progress = 0;
stream.on("data", (response: CreateExportResponse) => {
// if `response.progress` is present
const p = response.getProgress();
if (p && p > progress) {
progress = p;
console.log((p * 100).toFixed() + "%");

// if finally sending the file itself, push to chunk array
const data = response.getData();
const inner = data?.getData();
if (inner) {
console.log(`Inner exists!`);

// once the server closes the stream,
// we can finally write the file
stream.on("end", async () => {
await writeFile("./foo.html", chunks);
return res(void 0);

stream.on("error", rej);