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Shopify API Types

Shopify API Types

GitHub npm Testing docs

Simple type definitions for the Shopify Admin API.


Install with npm / yarn / pnpm:

npm install shopify-api-types
yarn add shopify-api-types
pnpm add shopify-api-types

Project Structure

The exports of each API version is split into three main parts:

  • Endpoint options will follow the following structure: <HTTP Method><Type><Query|JSONBody|Result> where the type represents what it will return.

    • For example, GetProductsResult or GetProductsQuery.
  • If a type ends with Result, then it represents the expected result by calling its accompanying route.

    • Types that are exported as never usually mean the result will be a 204 No Content, so you can safely ignore it. This does not account for errors.
  • Anything else that is miscellaneous will be exported based on what it represents (for example the REST route object).

  • There may be types exported that are identical for all versions. These will be exported as is and can be found in the common directory. They will still be prefixed accordingly as described above.


You can require / import the module directly, which will give you the latest types as of the current API version. This is considered the default version and will be updated according to Shopify's default API version; this means it may break at any point in time.

We strongly recommend you use a version when importing this module! This will prevent breaking changes when updating the module.

const { Customer } = require('shopify-api-types');
// TypeScript/ES Module support
import { Customer } from 'shopify-api-types';

You should instead consider adding the API version you want to target by appending /20**/**, where the first ** represents the API year version and the second ** represents the API month version (ask Shopify why they version their API like this).

const { Customer } = require('shopify-api-types/2020/01');
// TypeScript/ES Module support
import { Customer } from 'shopify-api-types/2020/01';

Utilizing built-in routes

All routes returned by the Routes object do not include the /api/admin/20**/** path. To do so, you must run the route through the buildRoute function.

import { Routes, buildRoute } from 'shopify-api-types/2020/01';

const customersRoute = buildRoute(Routes.customers());

Honorable Mentions

Thanks to Vlad's discord-api-types over at Discord.js for the file structure/flow/etc.

Generated using TypeDoc