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Enumeration CustomerSavedSearchQueries


Enumeration members


AcceptsMarketing = "accepts_marketing"

Filters customers by whether they accept email marketing. 0 = doesn't accept 1 = accepts


Country = "country"

Retrieves customers from a specified country


CustomerDate = "customer_date"

Retrieves customers who were created within a set period of time:

* `past_week`: Return customers who were created in the last week.
* `past_month`: Return customers who were created in the last month.
* `last_3_months`: Return customers who were created in the last 3 months.
* `past_quarter`: Return customers who were created in the last quarter.
* `past_year`: Return customers who were created in the last year.
* `yyyy-m-d`: Return customers who were created on a set date.
* `>yyyy-m-d`: Return customers who were created after a set date.
* `<yyyy-m-d`: Return customers who were created before a set date.


LastAbandonedOrderDate = "last_abandoned_order_date"

Retrieves customers who abandoned a cart within a set period of time:

  • last_week: Returns customers who abandoned a cart in the last week
  • last_month: Returns customers who abandoned a cart within the last month


OrderDate = "order_date"

Retrieves customers who placed an order within a set period of time:

* `last_week`: Return customers who placed an order in the last week.
* `last_month`: Return customers who placed an order in the last month.
* `last_3_months`: Return customers who placed an order in the last 3 months.
* `last_year`: Return customers who placed an order in the last year.
* `>yyyy-m-d`: Return customers who placed an order after a set date.
* `<yyyy-m-d`: Return customers placed an order before a set date.


OrdersCount = "orders_count"

Retreives customers by the number of orders they've placed with the store:

  • >number_of_orders: Returns customers who have placed fewer than the specified number of orders
  • <number_of_orders: Returns customers who have placed more than the specified number of orders
  • number_of_orders: Returns customers who have placed the specified number of orders


Status = "status"

Filter customers by their customer account status:

  • declined: Returns customers who have been invited to create an account but declined
  • disabled: Returns customers whose account is disabled
  • enabled: Returns customers who have a customer account
  • invited: Returns customers who have been invited to create an account


Tag = "tag"

Filter customers by tag. Valid values are any existing customer tag contained in quotation marks:


"Big Spender"


TotalSpent = "total_spent"

Retreives customers by the total amount that they have spent across all of their orders:

  • >money_amount: Returns customers who have spent less than the specified amount of money
  • <money_amount: Returns customers who have spent more than the specified amount of money
  • money_amount: Returns customers who have spent the specified amount of money

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