The date the customer activated the recurring application charge (null if not activated)
The date when the customer is billed (null if not accepted)
The date when the merchant cancelled the recurring application charge (null if not cancelled)
The limit a customer can be charged for usagebased billing
The URL where the merchant accepts or declines the recurring application charge
The date the recurring application charge was created
The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting the charge with the charge id appended
The unique id representing the recurring application charge
The name of the recurring application charge
THe price of the recurring application charge
The URL where the merchant is redirected after accepting the charge
The status of the recurring charge
The terms and conditions of usage-based billing charges
Whether or not the object is a test
The number of days that the customer is eligible for a free trial
The date when the free trial ends
The date the recurring application charge was last updated
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